Tuesday, July 14, 2020

History of Artificial Intelligence?

History of Artificial Intelligence.

· 1950: Arthur Samuel developed a checkers-playing computer program.

· 1955: The first artificial intelligence computer program.

· 1958: developed Lisp, the most popular programming language for AI.

· 1959: “machine learning ” tern coined.

· 1964: an early ai program written in Lisp that solved algebraic word problems.

· 1965: ELIZA, an interactive chat-based computer program.

· 1995: ALICE was developed

· 1997: a chess-playing computer defeated Gary Kasparov

· 1999: Sony introduces AIBO.

· 2006: “machine reading” coined as an unsupervised autonomous understanding of the text.

· 2011: Apple released Siri, a virtual assistant on IOS.

· 2014: Microsoft released Cortona, Amazon Alexa

· 2016: Humanoid robot called Sophia is created.

· 2017: Facebook AI research lab trains two chatbots to talk among themselves.

· 2018: Samsung introduced Bixby

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