Saturday, August 18, 2018

Type of SD cards

classification of SD cards

There are mainly three sized SD cards

  1. Macro SD card      
  2. Micro SD card
  3. Mini SD card

  Macro SD card

                These are larger in size then other and they are rarely used.

macro SD cards look like this
pic: Macro SD card

       Micro SD card

                           These are medium in size and normally used in mobile phone.

         These cards are further divided into three types on the basis of size:

  • SD card : There  size starts from 0 GB to 4 GB.

SD card with storage of 2GB
pic: SD card


  •  SD HC card: There size starts from 4 GB to 32 GB.Here, HC  stands for high capacity.
    example of SD HC card
    pic: micro SD HC
  •  SD XP card:  There size starts from 32 GB to 2 TB.Here, XC  stands for extended capacity.  
    example of SD extended capacity cards
    pic: SD XC card

         These cards are also further divided into different class on the basis of speed:
  • class 2
  • class 4
  • class 6
  • class 8
  • class 10
  • UHS 1 ( Ultra High Speed One)

  • UHS 2  ( Ultra High Speed Two)

  • UHS 3   ( Ultra High Speed Three)

The class of  SD cards are written inside circle on the  card.This class represent the maximum speed  with which you can write data on the memory card.for example: class 2 means 2 Megabytes per second with which data can be stored on the memory.Now, UHS 1 and 3 support maximum speeds up to 320 megabytes.

         Mini SD card

                                    These are smaller in size then other SD cards and they are not generally used in normal use.

    example of mini SD cards
    pic: Mini SD card

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